Wednesday, November 15, 2006

7 Key Ways to Attract the Life You Want

7 Key Ways to Attract the Life You Want

The Law of Attraction means that like is attracted unto like.  If we can align our vibration with what we truly desire, then we can attract anything that we want into our lives.   Attracting what we want is actually quite a subtle process.

In fact I see using the Law of Attraction consciously as creating the spaces to attract what you truly desire and here are 7 ways to enable that process and make it much more easy and effortless for you (as long as you get out of your own way) to attract the life you want.

1. Know that you are a Creator

........and become a Conscious one.  Most of us operate as though we are victims of circumstance, powerless over what happens to us.  We are always creating our situations and circumstances, but it is often unconscious and we are not harnessing our innate power to create the lives we want. But once this is realised (and more importantly, acted upon), this is completely liberating.

2. Know Your Values

Values are represent who we are and what defines us.  They are our blueprint. 

When we understand what our values are then it is much easier to to live an authentic.  Values are what drives us and provide us with energy and motivation - whether we are aware of them or not.  If you set goals (by no means mandatory incidentally), ensure that they are aligned and fully congruent with your values.  Uncover your values first and set goals to suit.   You're much more likely to achieve them.

3. Harness and Focus Your Energy

This is pivotal.  It's more difficult to attract what you desire in life if you're constantly tired and fatigued.  The Law of Attraction means that you'll attract more of the same.  And it's hard to receive what the Universe wants to give you if you are out of the office firefighting all the time.  Learn to identify what gives you energy and what drains you.  Your diet, environment, level of self care, the people you mix with (beware of energy vampires!) all influence your level of energy.  Energetic techniques and processes like EFT and Reiki will help clear your energy blockages.

4. Use Your Intuition

Your intuition is your internal Guidance Protection System.  It is that quiet voice which alerts you to opportunities and keeps you out of danger. When I follow my intuition, things have a habit of going well and when I don't, they go awry.  Intuition finds it hard to be heard if you're stressed and tired, but if you plug those energy leaks (see no 3), you will allow your intuitive voice to be heard.  Take notice of it.

5. Release Resistance

We often get in our own way in blocking what we want.  And one of the ways in which we do this is by resisting and refusing to let go of old thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and even desires.  It often manifests itself in "busyness" (so you don't have time to think!), inflexibility and "shoulding" on yourself.  Set your intention to evaluate your beliefs and ask if they still serve you well.  If not, then you know what to do.

6. Be here now

Enjoy the present moment.  The Power of Now.  Because that is all there is.  Free yourself from the weight of the past or dread of the future.  Practice mindfulness and be in each moment.  Schedule downtime for yourself every day, to give your brain/body/spirit a chance to breathe.  Keep a gratitude/appreciation journal to help you focus on the abundance that you have right here, right now.

7. Design supportive environments

Personal Growth is called Personal Growth for a reason.  We are continually growing and evolving, but our physical environments often remain the same.  If our physical environment is not working for us then one of the symptoms is of trying and efforting too hard, for little return.  It is like planting our seeds on barren ground.  It doesn't always necessitate a move - just a recognition that some of our "stuff" that we hang onto is holding us back.

Attracting what we want into our lives is as much a process of letting go as it is actively pursuing what we want.  In fact going after our goals with a vengeance can be counterproductive.  Effort doesn't always equal productivity or outcome.  In fact the amount of effort can often seem disproportional to the actual result.

Get out of your own way and use any of the above tools to help you attract the life you want.

Julie Plenty helps creative people achieve their goals using the Law of Attraction and authentic and inspired goal setting. Read more articles on how to make the Law of Attraction work for you by visiting:

About Author

Julie Plenty helps creative people achieve their goals using the Law of Attraction and authentic and inspired goal setting. Read more articles on how to make the Law of Attraction work for you by visiting:


Monday, November 13, 2006

Now Feel!

Now that you have written down what you want out of life, you need to feel it. Positive feelings and thought are very powerful. If you are wanting a new home, go to a couple of your dream homes that are on the market. Walk through them, feel what it would feel to live there. Go test drive some new cars! Look at some pictures on the net of your dream vacation. Get in to that place where you can feel what it would be like. Feel good!! Now do this everyday or especially when you are feeling a little down. Remember, the universe always responds!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What Do You Really Want?

What do you really want?

Hmmm… Something to ponder on. Most people just don’t know what they want out of life. We get so caught up in the rat race that we forget what is important to us. We get caught up in paying bills, going to work, taking the kids to sports, etc. but what is REALLY important to you? What brings you joy?

When applying the Law of Attraction to bringing what you really want out of life, you must ask from a positive place. You must invoke “good” feelings. Example: You say, “Michelle, I want to get out of debt.” Ok this is a bad way to look at your situation. What do you think will happen when you think this way? You attract more debt. When you say I want out of debt, how does that make you feel? You may feel desperate. You may feel out of control. You may even feel guilty. So, when you’re asking the universe for something you want, you might say I want prosperity. Think about how you will feel when you have enough money to do the things that you enjoy. Most people want money but you need to really think about the feelings behind the money.

Don’t think about how the universe is going to deliver your wants. You have to completely let the “how” go. The universe will take care of that for you. The universe will provide the how. Don’t think about, well if I get a new job I can get more money. It’s easy to think this way but don’t! You must be aware of the opportunities the universe provides. Keep your eyes open but don’t think of the how. LOL I know easier said than done.

Write down you wants. Write down what you are grateful for now. Then let the universe take care of it for you. Watch and see what happens!

Watch The Secret for Free for a limit time!

For those of you unfamiliar with it, The Secret is the movie that the entire net has been talking about. The Secret is all about attracting positive things into your life via the Law of Attraction. I highly recommend taking the opportunity to watch this movie while it's free! It's only free via this website for a limited time! Do yourself a HUGE favor and watch it!

Watch "The Secret" for FREE for a limited time:

How do your thoughts manifest?

How do your thoughts manifest?

Let’s talk about energy for a moment. Everything is made up of energy, your house, your dog, your body, your car, and your thoughts. Let’s break down your body so you can understand. You have your body which breaks down to your organs, which break down into cells, which break down into atoms, which breaks down to electrons and neutrons, which break down into energy. You can break down anything and come up with energy!

Why is this important? Well, when you are referring to the Law of Attraction, we are talking about thought. Energy emits a frequency. Energy attracts like frequencies to it. So, if you are having a thought that makes you feel wonderful, you will attract that same energy into your life. We are like radios tuning into the frequency that we vibrate at.

Ever had this kind of day? Your alarm clock doesn’t go off. You’re late for work. You are feeling mad because you forgot to set it! Then you get dressed only to notice that there is a huge stain on your shirt. You can’t find anything else to wear! You get in your car and you need to stop and get gas….. You see where I’m going here. You started your morning in frustration. So, you keep attracting the same thing over and over! I feel frustrated thinking about it! LOL

If you are sitting there thinking, “Umm, how can I monitor my thoughts constantly?” Well, really what we are talking about is monitoring how your thoughts make you feel. If something makes you feel bad, don’t do it or figure out a way to do it in a way that makes you feel good! Example for me is: I hate to do laundry. Believe me when I say with four people living in the same house, I do it constantly. So, what I have changed is when I have to do it, I turn on some Sheryl Crowe and jam! I dance and I sing while I do it. It takes my mind from something that I don’t enjoy and I refocus it on something that makes me feel great!

So, give it a try and let me know what happens!

What is the Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction? Well, very simply put it is this: What ever is happening in your life right now (good, bad, or ugly) you have attracted it into your life. This can be hard to swallow! Know that we are all the creators of our universe. Here is the good news, you can change or build upon what’s happening in your life.

If you have poor relationships, it's because you have created that reality. If you are constantly thinking to yourself, why are these people so hateful or why is someone always putting me down, it's because that you ARE THINKING THAT! You are thinking of the things that you DON'T want! Instead think of the things that you DO want. Thought has power. So, if you think instead, I'm so glad that I'm a great person. I'm so grateful to have wonderful people in my life. Things will start to change!

Learning the Law of Attraction is like every self-help book you have ever read condensed and simplified. It's learning that you are the creator of your life.

If you haven’t watched you should go watch it now. You can watch it on the net or buy the DVD. It’s a great first step to understanding what the Law of Attraction is.