Sunday, November 12, 2006

What is the Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction? Well, very simply put it is this: What ever is happening in your life right now (good, bad, or ugly) you have attracted it into your life. This can be hard to swallow! Know that we are all the creators of our universe. Here is the good news, you can change or build upon what’s happening in your life.

If you have poor relationships, it's because you have created that reality. If you are constantly thinking to yourself, why are these people so hateful or why is someone always putting me down, it's because that you ARE THINKING THAT! You are thinking of the things that you DON'T want! Instead think of the things that you DO want. Thought has power. So, if you think instead, I'm so glad that I'm a great person. I'm so grateful to have wonderful people in my life. Things will start to change!

Learning the Law of Attraction is like every self-help book you have ever read condensed and simplified. It's learning that you are the creator of your life.

If you haven’t watched you should go watch it now. You can watch it on the net or buy the DVD. It’s a great first step to understanding what the Law of Attraction is.

1 comment:

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